Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How do I send in my stories or drawings?

Hi Kids

If you would like to put your stories or drawings in KW4K, here's what you need to do:
  1. Remember to get your parent's permission first.
  2. Write your story. It can be as short as 10 words as long as it tells a story. Then email to KW4K. (Or, if its a short story, just send it using the 'comment' box.)
  3. Or, if you like to draw, you can email your drawing to KW4K.
  4. Or, if you want to share your own blog of your stories, email your blog
    address to KW4K.
  5. Finally, remember to let us have your name, age, email address and
    state/country you are from. We want the rest of the world to get to know you!

That's all. It's easy, right? Now, you can start sending in stuff to KW4K.

(Illustration courtesy of Angela Chye and Lee Chien. Thank you!)

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