Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shelly, the Curious Snail

By Sarah Kubik - written when she was 12 years old. State/Country : Perak/Malaysia.
(Published 'as is'. No edits made to original)

One sunny morning, Shelly the snail came out of his shell curious of what's going to happen. He woke up with a grin on his face. After that he went to wash his face in a nearby puddle. Suddenly, while he was moving, he saw a little seed.

He wanted to eat it but the seed was germinating into a .... flower? "Wow, that's fast for a tiny seed," said Shelly excitedly. He decided to climb the flower. "Wow, I can see my house from here," said Shelly. He didn't want to fiddle around so he jumped off the flower into the puddle.

He took off his shell, left it on a rock
and jumped right into the puddle.

After a few minutes, he heard some rustling sounds coming from the bush. He got up - naked. He went over to the rock where he left his shell. When he reached there, he relized his shell has gone missing.

"Aaagh!", he screamed.
He thought that if the shell was never found
he would be naked forever!!! "

But wait!", he thought, he had an idea.

If he climbed the same flower before he could find his shell. He climbed the flower, higher and higher. Finally, he reached the top. "My shell," he shouted. He jumped off and landed on his back. He glided as fast as he could. He reached his shell. He put it on and went home to tell this story to this grandma and grandpa.

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, you are very imaginative! Love this story. Keep up the good job! :)